Sunday 20 January 2013

Logo Designs

Big Bazaar - the first Impression of big bazaar is hustle-bustle, Crowd, Trolleys, lots of shopping, Lights etc. Keeping in mind all this I tried re-designing its logo.

Redesigned logo of Big Bazaar.

Option 4: Selected as a final.
A light green with yellow gives a flashy image in mind and black which is used for the trolley graphic is highlighted to show the real purpose of shopping and + the co relation to bazaar.


Logo for a  Dental Clinic

The Dental Hub logo design. We tried to keep it highly simple. Using priminent colors like Red and Black. A nice shinny tooth and a dentist tool. Compact enough and informative for a logo.


He is also known as a Smile Doctor. So keeping that in mind I thought of designing the above logo depicting a smile with the initial "D" of the Dental Hub.


Logo for a yearly Quiz event/competition

IQuiz is a yearly quiz event/competition held by my uncle. He suggested that a yearly event like this should have a logo. So we sat down to mind map a perfect way in order to convey to the participants that they were up for a highly beneficial and intellectual Quiz.

IQuiz - The logo it self talks about the correct combination of IQ i.e. the Intelligence Quotient and Quiz. The colors too reflect a great meaning of the logo.
Blue - A calming effect. A calm head is always required to be at the top.
Green - Color of Victory, Win, Pride and confidence.

Even the logo of "The Quiz" suggests something, which is a Question. It is a logo type.
The Question Mark in form of  the letter Q, giving out the meaning itself.


Logo for an Educational Foundation

Before i finalised the name "Abhyaas" as my foundation name, i had mind mapped as to what all is needed for an Educational Foundation.
In todays time we see a chest of hidden talents and each one excelling amazingly in their own mastered feild. So i thought of having a good mixer of all scope of talents.
I jotted down names like : "Gyaan" , "Ummeed" , "Shiksha" & "Abhyaas".
I chose Abhyaas, for a simple reason being that no matter how good one is at something Abhyaas = effort / hard work / dedication takes you at your own epitome of talent.

The word sounds heavy. Though the use of graphics and lots of color sets a balance. It's a mixer of hard work + fun.

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